Galactic Tree of Awareness Adam Kadmon Light Body Upgrade - New Earth Consciousness Codes Activation

New Earth Consciousness Codes is a Quantum Wholeness and Subconscious Recoding Healing Modality powered by our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother/Father God to expand our Consciousness and align us to the highest outcomes as we unlock, decode, release, recode and rewrite all limiting thoughts, feelings, emotions, false beliefs, judgments and victim/persecutor consciousness.

Join Anrita Melchizedek for a transformative two-hour Zoom session on the Galactic Tree of Awareness Adam Kadmon Light Body Upgrade

Experience your Adam Kadmon Light Body

Experience all that is Highest Aligned

Become the Presence

Dream your Reality into Being

Rewrite all timelines to flow with Grace and Ease

Live in the Now

Deepen into Zero Point

Consciousness Expansion

Hold the Consciousness 

Galactic Tree of Awareness Adam Kadmon Light Body Upgrades
With Anrita Melchizedek

New Earth Consciousness Codes Activations

Galactic Tree of Awareness Adam Kadmon Light Body Upgrade

New Earth Consciousness Codes

Two Hour Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek


Saturday March 15th – 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, 5pm GMT

London/Lisbon 5pm, Johannesburg 7pm, LA 10am, New York 1pm, Sydney 4am (March 16th), Auckland 6am (March 16th)

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)


Beloved hearts, we invite you to join us in this New Earth Consciousness Codes Masterclass as we experience the Galactic Tree of Awareness Adam Kadmon Light Body Upgrade.

New Earth Consciousness Codes is a Quantum Wholeness and Subconscious Recoding Healing Modality activated as we experience a Theta or Theta-Gamma State of Consciousness. Powered by our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother/Father God we unlock, decode and release all limiting thoughts, feelings, emotions, false beliefs, judgments and victim/persecutor consciousness as we expand our Consciousness through the activation of New Earth Templates and Light Codes from within. With this, we deepen into Zero Point Presence, living New Earth as we align with, integrate and embody our Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence.

The New Earth Consciousness Codes work with the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube as well as the Toroidal Field to actualize the Stargate of the Loving Heart and to reset each Zero Point Presence, each Now moment of expanded Consciousness. When we unlock and release old false beliefs, judgments, and corresponding thoughts, feelings and emotions, the 13 whole spheres within Metatron’s Cube spin in a counterclockwise direction, as we command the Source of All That Is to create changes within our bodies, DNA, and sub-conscious mind.

As we then recode and rewrite all in alignment with our Beloved I Am Presence, the 13 spheres spin in a clockwise direction to expand into each “new” Zero Point Presence. When all is aligned, the Toroidal Field then spins in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction simultaneously, to activate the Stargate of the Loving Heart for that timeline to present and then materialize in response to our frequency and vibration as the Light of God we are.

In the Qabala, Adam Kadmon refers to "The Heavenly Man," a divine archetype representing the embodiment of all Divine manifestations and the ultimate purpose of creation, the embodiment of the Divine and integration of our human aspects. To experience this Divine manifestation as the embodiment of our Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence, in the Adam Kadmon Light Body Upgrade, we experience eleven Spheres (Sefirot) within the Tree of Life which activate along and through our bodies as Consciousness Codes from within. With this, we have the possibility to experience our “heavenly” Light Body, and the ability to transform our physical body into our Soul Body, our Light Body.

Additionally, this energy system presents another focus of Consciousness expansion, that which we call the Tree of Awareness, which is the embodiment of our Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence through Conscious Awareness and living as the Divine Mind of God (our Universe) and our Beloved I Am Presence. 

We start as the Witnessing Presence of the Beloved I Am to activate the Consciousness Codes from within the body and energy field through the Qabalistic Spheres of the Galactic Tree of Awareness, experienced initially as Golden Sun frequencies of our Inner Christ. We are further graced with the Overlighting of the Galactic frequencies of various Stars, Star Systems and Galactic Beings as we activate our Galactic DNA and call forth timelines of remembrance, self-mastery and embodiment at a Galactic level whilst further clearing Galactic karma.

As Divine Template holders to this sacred earth, our bodies naturally create portals and vortices to the higher dimensions as we activate the Consciousness Codes from within. However, it is up to us to hold this frequency to experience each “Now” Zero Point Presence and to activate the Stargate of the Loving Heart through the Toroidal Field. In doing so, we pass through the Stargate of the Loving Heart and close the portals to old earth, moving beyond the old stories and human miscreation’s.

In the Galactic Tree of Awareness, the first Sphere we work with as a beautiful Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code is the Crown (Kether). Overlighted by the frequency of Arcturus, we embody the Essence of the Divine Mind as the Mind of God, as our Universe, as it anchors within the Pineal Gland to activate this New Earth Consciousness Code.

The second Sphere anchors to the right side Pillar of our Galactic Tree of Awareness just above the right shoulder as Wisdom (Chokmah), further connecting us to the right side of the brain and bringing forth the seed of an idea, insight, inspiration, intuition, and increased awareness. Overlighted by the frequency of Vega, we embody the Activity of Mind as our Beloved I Am Presence whilst clearing all that no longer serves us in this Now, this new Zero Point Presence.

The third Sphere anchors to the left side Pillar of our Galactic Tree of Awareness as a beautiful Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code just above the left shoulder as Understanding (Binah), further connecting us to the left side of the brain and giving us the insights to mapping the highest timelines. Overlighted by the frequency of Andromeda, we embody the Stillness of Mind, which unlocks and releases lower timelines no longer serving us.

The fourth Sphere expands from the right lung area as Mercy (Chesed). Mercy is expressed with Loving Kindness and Empathy. Overlighted by the frequency of Lyra, we embody Expression of Thought and Emotion within the sphere of Mercy whilst clearing all that no longer serves in this Now, this new Zero Point Presence.

The fifth Sphere expands from the left lung area as Strength (Geburah). This Sphere is related to Disciple and Strength of Boundaries. Overlighted by the frequency of Sirius, we embody the Control of Thought and Emotion, while unlocking and releasing lower timelines no longer serving us in this new Zero Point Presence.

The sixth Sphere which expands from within the Heart Chakra as a beautiful Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code is Beauty (Tiphareth), which flows with Love and compassion.  Overlighted by the frequency of the Pleiades, we embody the Awareness of All Mind whilst deepening into the embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence.

The seventh Sphere expands from the right kidney area as a beautiful Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code of Victory (Netzach), which activates the qualities of ambition as well as overcoming obstacles. Overlighted by the frequency of Niburu, we expand into Relaxation of Concentration whilst unlocking and releasing lower timelines no longer serving us in this new Zero Point Presence.

The eighth Sphere which expands from the left kidney area as a beautiful Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code is Surrender (Hod), holding the qualities of acceptance, humility, trust and surrender to our Universe. Overlighted by the frequency of Venus, we embody Focus of Concentration whilst deepening into this new Zero Point Presence, simultaneously clearing all that no longer serves in this Now.

The ninth Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code expands the Sphere of Foundation (Yesod), activating the qualities of connection, and authenticity from within the sacral chakra. Overlighted by the frequency of the Inner Earth Galactic Guardians and the Inner Earth Sun, we expand the frequency of this beautiful New Earth Consciousness Code through the Filter of Perception.

The tenth Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code expands the Sphere of Kingdom (Malkuth) from within the base chakra area with the focus on Sovereignty. Overlighted by the New Earth Guardians, we call forth our New Earth realities, our Heaven on Earth, as we embody the Experience of Physical Reality whilst simultaneously clearly lower timelines no longer serving us in this new Zero Point Presence.

Lastly, an eleventh Sphere expands within the Thymus Chakra as a beautiful Golden Sun New Earth Consciousness Code of Knowledge (Daath). This Sphere expands the knowing that we are Source Light, our Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence upon this sacred earth, as well as revealing all that was hidden. Overlighted by the frequency of Orion, we embody the Direct Experience of Essence through Love whilst deepening into the Conscious awareness of this Now moment, this Zero Point Presence as our Beloved I Am Presence.

Golden lines of light further connect all these beautiful New Earth Consciousness Code Spheres as we shift dimensionally through the Stargate of the Loving Heart into the next level of Galactic and Higher Selves embodiment with our Adam Kadmon Light Body, expanding these New Earth Consciousness Code Templates for ourselves and for all Life upon this sacred earth.

Join us beloved heart in this powerful Masterclass on the Galactic Tree of Awareness Adam Kadmon Light Body Upgrade as together we create our New Earth with the frequencies of our Light Bodies and deepen into Presence, being Conscious as our Beloved I Am Presence in each Now moment.

This is a live Zoom video Masterclass. Recordings will be available in video and audio format, plus two Mp3’s, with and without background music. No transcribe is provided.



Experience the Spheres of the Galactic Tree of Awareness and the Overlighting of the Stars, Star Systems and Galactic Beings

Clear subconscious programs, old stories and programs, thoughts, feelings and emotions needing to be unlocked and decoded, recoded and rewritten to all that is Highest Aligned.

Expand the Consciousness through the Galactic Tree of Awareness

Experience the sacred geometry of Metatron's Cube and Galactic Overlighting

Re-write, re-code, re-align, activate and actualize the DNA Light Codes from within to create new realities and dimensions of One Unity Consciousness

Become your Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence


Thank you

"Dearest Anrita

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for the wonderful "gift" you gave me and others in inviting us to share with you the amazing WEBINAR. And MANY THANKS to all the SPIRITUAL BEINGS that were with us ALL.


Once again with  WHOLE LOTTA HEARTFELT LOVE and RESPECT for you my wonderful friend.


Empowered by Divine Knowledge

"This webinar deepened my connection with my Beloved I Am Presence and all the many Spiritual Beings.

It was so wonderful, deep touching;    I was vibrating all over my body all the time. The love through your voice is enormous; I had wonderful dreams of Lemuria, Mu, other civilisations.

I am so grateful and with all my heartfelt-love and blessings,


Blessings Indeed

"Oh, Blessed Soul Anrita! The Masterclass was Powerful and Divine as usual, but this time the clearings and blessings moved a lot of energy.

My heart filled with so much love! Heaven on Earth! Unconditional Love and Peace had filled also my room……. I  blessed you and sent you back all this."


Meet Anrita Melchizedek - New Earth Guide

Hi, I'm Anrita Melchizedek, a renowned guide to cosmic enlightenment, quantum consciousness and spiritual transformation.

With over three decades of experience, I've empowered seekers worldwide, offering New Earth tools and technologies and spiritual healing/wholeness programs as well as new energy systems.

I have created hundreds of ascension programs, masterclasses and eBooks over the years, presented numerous telewebinars, workshops and courses, traveled extensively and has been both a summit host as well as presenter on many popular spiritual shows.

I invite you to join me in this beautiful Masterclass to elevate your spiritual journey and expand your Loving Heart.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of the webinar?

The webinar costs $33.Payment can be made via Stripe or PayPal. This is a non-refundable payment.

How do I register for the event?

Register easily through our secure online portal Voices of the Light Tribe aMember to reserve your spot for this enlightening experience.

You will be sent an email with your video link and Mp3 downloads. Should you not receive this, please look in your spam folder and in gmail the promotions tab.

Alternatively log into your account with us at You will have a PDF link with these details. Look to your Dahsboard on the Left.

Will the session be recorded?

Yes, attendees will receive a video recording, plus two Mp3's, with and without background music within 24 hours of the event.

Receive your own Galactic Photonic Plasma Diamond Light Andara Stone


The Galactic Photonic Plasma Diamond Light Andara assist us to access, re-write and program the living light and Divine Intelligence of the DNA through the Galactic Light Codes and Healing/Wholeness frequencies that activate from within.

The lack of Photonic Light within our bodies, is what causes our dis-ease and dis-comfort. Living multidimensionally, our bodies fill with Photonic Light and Photonic air bubbles, which is essentially our Soul Essence, as we embody our Soul Light and activate our Light Bodies.

Each Andara Crystal you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight and essential oil blends as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

You will receive one  Galactic Photonic Plasma Diamond Light Andara Crystal, approx. 30-40grams that will be chosen just for you plus gift pouch.

The Andara have a glass-like structure and comes in a wide range of colors. The lighter colored Andara crystals are able to create an amazing rainbow effect. The most mysterious property with Andara crystals is their ability to change colors; this happens most often with clear stones, and tend to change to grey, green, blue or a shade of yellow. The color the stone changes to is said to occur depending on what the crystals are being used for, and what goals you wish to accomplish with their aid. 

These beautiful  Angelic Diamond White Light Purity Andara  come as Polished Pendants, Macrame Pendants and Natural Pendants plus beautiful large custom pieces.

For more details please click here.



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